Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) is a serious public health and human rights problem with both short-term and long-term consequences on the survivors’ physical, mental, and sexual and reproductive health. Interventions geared towards caring for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence are often complex and multi-leveled comprising of medical, psychological, social, protection, prevention of recurrence and access to justice.
Programmers therefore need to appreciate how roles played by different sectors relate, best practices and challenges in this field and advances being made. This will enable them to design programs and strategies that will address optimally the needs of survivors of sexual and gender-based violence.
In order to address the capacity gaps in addressing SGBV, we have planned a five-day training on Multisectoral Approaches for Managament of SGBV. This training is intended for program managers, program officers and medical practitioners who desire to acquire practical skills for setting up successful SGBV care, response and prevention programs/projects.
To equip trainees with knowledge and skills for designing and implementing effective Sexual and Gender-based Violence (SGBV) programs.
UN, Government and NGO staff including but not limited to program coordinators, program managers and officers.
The training methodology will consist of interactive plenary discussions, documentaries, mini-lectures and group work (hum and buzz groups).
The training cost is US$ 550 and it covers the tuition fees, learning materials, certification, meals and refreshments at the training venue. Further information will be provided upon inquiry.
Accommodation will be arranged upon request by applicants. However, the charges will be borne by the individual participant.
Please check the Onsite Courses page in our website for the actual dates.
Applicants should complete the Course Application Form and send the duly filled scanned copy of the form to
We can provide your organization a tailor-made training with similar content but addressing your specific capacity needs. In case you want to explore this option, you can contact us to share with you a proposal for that training.
Download: SGBV Brochure