Senior Associate, BEd, MA (Communication), Ph.D. (Public Health)
Dr. Sospeter Gatobu, has over 15+ years of local and international experience in project and programme management, research, evaluation, communication (including stakeholder management), and capacity building (including facilitating teaching and training) and strategic planning and execution. He is currently leading the Pan African Utilization of Lay Assessment Systems (PAULAS) research project of the University of Waterloo, Canada/interRai, on aging and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Tanzania. Dr. Gatobu is also consulting with WHO AFRO to document the effectiveness and the sustainability of partnership component of the WHO AFRO Transformation Agenda. His other recent projects include conducting a scoping Review on Health Literacy in Teacher Training Curricular in Sub-Saharan Africa (for the Commonwealth of Learning); findings published in International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE).; documented and used findings to develop training and teacher development modules on health literacy; the goal is to advocate for mainstreaming of health literacy in teacher education in Africa. He also developed a competency-based curriculum (CBC) for emergency response teams for the Africa Centres for Disease Control (ACDC-AVoHCs) this involved analyzing policies on emergency response; conducting literature reviews and developing the curriculum and the training modules. He has also managed large projects and programmes in education, communication, development and health, in Canada and in Africa, with commendable results. For example, he effectively managed a multi-country (Australia, Finland and Canada) research and knowledge management project on bone health and older adults at the University of Waterloo, Canada which entailed analyzing policy on bone health, designing and implementing strategy to synthesis, store, retrieve and disseminate guidelines for prevention of falls and fractures among older adults. He is proficient in data processing programmes such as SPSS, SAS, STATA, NVivo and Observation Oriented Modeling, and in MS Office; he is also proficient (professional level) in English and Kiswahili. Email: